振合電機直線傳動是美國AMETEK集團公司的一員,是全球直線傳動領域的領軍型企業,振合電機的微型絲桿有了一個全新的應用,用在胰島素泵上,該應用使用了2MM微型絲桿和用特殊材料定制的配套螺母。 振合電機在醫療用注射泵上有著很多應用,同時也有著非常豐富的經驗和成熟的技術,但是該胰島素泵應用是一個全新的挑戰,其技術難度很大,主要的原因是胰島素泵體積特別小,而且內部結構復雜,普通的螺母和螺母根本無法滿足要求,振合電機通過研發,為客戶定制特殊的螺母和螺桿加工,完美實現了客戶的要求。(見圖片)
該應用的成功極大的展現了振合電機客戶定制能力,幾十年來振合電機積累了豐富的客戶定制能力,并且有著最先進的加工設備,精密數控機床,模具注塑設備,噴射造型技術等等一系列設備都是振合強大定制能力的保障,如果您也有定制的需求,請趕快聯系我們,讓振合電機為您解決所有問題。 更多信息請訪問振合直線電機(深圳)有限公司網站http://m.e5ycuoth.com.cn
Haydon Kerk? Motion Solutions Supports
Insulin Pump Market With Micro Series Lead Screws
WATERBURY, CT -Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions, a recognized leader in linear and rotary motion solutions, is proud to offer its line of micro screws (2mm diameter screws) with customized lead screw nut materials for specialized medical applications.
Haydon Kerk has many years of experience working with companies in developing insulin and drug delivery pumps. Now, by utilizing Haydon Kerk’scustom thread rolling, in-house plastic injection molding, and tooling departments, a customized a solution can be developed to meet the challenges involved with engineering the next generation of insulin patch pumps and other personal drug delivery systems.
Utilizing aKerkite? engineered polymers or customer specified materials (including PEEK),Haydon Kerk can help design and manufacture a lead screw nut that delivers smooth, efficient rotary to linear motion conversion. With the use of Kerkote? TFE coating, Haydon Kerkcan effectively reduce the amount of torque required to actuate the plunger. This can lead to longer battery life and a possible reduction in motor size.
More information on Micro series lead screws can be found on at the Haydon Kerkwebsite. Prototype kits also are available for the Micro series at its 24-hour Express Website. If the lead screw required is not listed,Haydon Kerkcan develop a specific lead screw that meets specific application requirements. For more information or help developing a small drug-delivery device, users should contact Haydon Kerk directly at 1-603-465-7227.
For more general information about Haydon Kerk products, contact: Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions, 1500 Meriden Road, Waterbury, CT 06705 Toll free: 800-243-2715 CT & International: 203-756-7441 Fax: 203-756-8724 E-mail: info.szzhenhe@ametek.com or visit the website m.e5ycuoth.com.cn
About Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions, Inc.
Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions is a business unit of AMETEK, Inc., a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electromechanical devices with annualsales of $4.0 billion.
Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions is the joining of two world-class brands in the field of linear motion: Haydon Switch and Instrument, Inc. and Kerk Motion Products, Inc. Together as Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions, the businesses offer a wide range of high-performance and precision linear motion products.
Recognized as a leading manufacturer of stepper motor based linear actuators, rotary motors, lead screw assemblies, and linear rail and guide systems used in niche market applications, Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions has developed industry-renowned brands built upon its technical innovation, versatility, customization, product durability, and dedicated customer service.